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TNR / Thursday Night MTB Ride Missoula – Sam Braxton and MoZ

Maurice and South Trailhead 2601 Maurice Avenue, Missoula

Meet up with TNR at 6:00 pm at Maurice & South for the Missoula Thursday Night MTB Ride up Sentinel, thru Crazy Canyon, over to Pattee for a loop around Sam Braxton, and back down MoZ


Thursday Trivia Night at Waters Edge Winery & Bistro

Waters Edge Winery 2593 Hwy 2 East, Kalispell

If wine makes you wiser, it’ll come in handy for Trivia Thursday Nights hosted by Crismore & Co. from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Waters Edge Winery in Kalispell


Marchfourth with Mark Myriad at The Wilma

The Wilma Theater 131 Higgins Avenue, Missoula

Logjam Presents welcomes MarchFourth for a live performance with Mark Myriad opening at The Wilma in Downtown Missoula on Thursday, April 25
